
Sunday 29 November 2020


2nd and 3rd classes recently took part in an online Green Schools Travel Conference. There were lots of interesting speakers. Aaron Copeland spoke about children taking back cities and making sure that they were designed with children rather than cars in mind.

We also took part in an online activity where we made our own city. On one side there was a sustainable city with trees, solar panels and cycle lanes. On the other city there was overcrowding, pollution and traffic jams. It was easy to choose which side we would like to see by 2040.

Tuesday 12 November 2019

Travel survey

Pupils from third to sixth took part in travel survey to see how pupils arrive at school. The details were then compiled on an  excel sheet and published on the Green schools notice board.

Walkability Audit

On the 11/11/19, the third class and the Green Schools committee completed a walkability Audit.  We left at 11:40am and it took us 3min and  11sec to walk to the pitch and 3 minutes 46 to walk back. We walked 290metresto the pitch and 290m back.The positives things we saw were……
·        There  were very clean footpaths
·        Bollards for people to safely walk through traffic before and after school
·        very little traffic on road
·        speed limit was 50km
·         lots of signage
·        Lovely nature
The Negatives were……
·        There was no footpath  when passing the bridge
·        There were lots rocks and puddles
We now hope to e mail our local councillor to ask for his help to get a bridge installed to help make it safer for all.       

Green Schools

We are now going for our next Green Flag, Global citzenship-Travel. Our aim is encourage more pupils and parents to walk, cycle and carpool to school to help alleviate traffic and ensure the saftey of the pupils while also  protecting our environment.